Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My take on A

Kelly's take: Wow, so excited for this new blog adventure! For this first challenge I had a gorgeous afternoon with two napping children to snap some pictures. I am a total photo newbie who has a desire to learn more. And I had fun! Good thing too because the baby woke up crabby! Anyways! Here we go!

A is for April

(that is the first seedling poking it's head out of my garden)

A is for Aprons

A is for my favorite Animal


A is for All Alone

(Michael's Bunny Bear left forgotten in the grass,
Good thing Mama found him!)

Theresa's take: so excited to take on this new project with my childhood bff Kelly. We decided to go with an A theme since this is our beginning next week who knows. I happen to have some pictures that I found when hubby and I surprised an alligator while rowing around at Cypress Gardens.
This is when we first spotted her   

Swimming away - that's one Big Momma!
A new begininng: Gigi dreaming of spring
Ok that's all I have for this week next week will be more photos as I'm sure I will have my camera actually charged. LOL that'll teach me for having an idea to do this and then not be able to actually take more pictures this the slim amount of battery I have.
Have a theme idea, want to comment our photos? Drop us a line below.